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Blank firers
Blank firing Military Hand Guns
Weihrauch blank firing handgun, semi automatic fires once
everytime you pull the trigger (no need to re cock) Excellent build
quality from this top German manufacturer. Gun measures 180x120mm and has
a 'slam in' cartridge magazine in the handle 820grms weight. Fires
9mm blanks.
build_table('tricks',array('hw94s','bfb38')); ?>
BF95NP GLOCK 17 blank firer in nickel plated finish
build_table('tricks',array('bf95np','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
A heavyweight full size blank firer with blued action and hardwood grips, 4 3/494 barrel, takes 6 .380 blanks. Weight I kg,
length 28 cm. Great value.
build_table('tricks',array('bf25','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BRUNI SINGLE ACTION .380 Stainless version
A heavyweight full size blank firer with stainless action and hardwood grips, 4 3/494 barrel, takes 6 .380 blanks. Weight I kg,
length 28 cm. Great value.
build_table('tricks',array('bf25np','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
Similar to BF55 but with a 294 barrel. Double or single action, swing out 5 shot cylinder, hardwood combat grips. Weight
700 grm. Length 18cm.
build_table('tricks',array('bf10','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
A full size heavy metal magnum with the dependable
BF1 0 action plus hardwood grips and a 494 vented
barrel. 5 shot, weight 900 gin, length 23 cm.
build_table('tricks',array('bf55','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
shortened version of the Colt Navy was favoured by both sides of the law in the Old West. 1 3cm round barrel, brass frame,
case hardened rammer and hammer. Steel construction plus walnut grips.
build_table('tricks',array('bf4338','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
Soundly engineered, solid metal revolver with swing out cylinder and elector, real figured hardwood grips and double or
single action. Barrel 294, weight 14 oz, length 7 1/294. Accepts 8 .22 long rifle loud blanks or 8 .22 short blanks.
build_table('tricks',array('bf14w','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
This 10 shot capacity carbine faithfully duplicates the Winchester 1 894, much beloved companion of many western heroes
and desperadoes. overall length 900mm, barrel 440mm, weight 2.5kg. Genuine underlever working action
build_table('tricks',array('bf89','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
One of the most famous guns in American history. Used by the Confederates in the Civil War and later became a close
companion of the pioneers. 6 shot, brass frame and backstrap, case hardened hammer and rammer, 19cm barrel, walnut
grips. Length 30cm Weight 1 200g
build_table('tricks',array('bf4051','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
build_table('tricks',array('bf92','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF92NP Nickel plated version of this popular blank firing
hand gun. BERETTA 92F 8 mm auto A variation of the world famous semi-automatic Italian military handgun, this model
with modified trigger guard to suit a two handed grip and extended base to the magazine, is now the service weapon for US
Army, Navy, Airforce and US Coastguard. The Bruni Beretta is a superbly detailed copy of the original, has full semi auto
function with double and single action firing mode and is field strippable. Weight 1.1 kg, length 220 mm,
mag. capacity 16, military combat grips.
build_table('tricks',array('bf92np','bfb8')); ?> |
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF92 BERETTA 92F 8 mm auto A variation of the world famous semi-automatic Italian military handgun, this model
with modified trigger guard to suit a two handed grip and extended base to the magazine, is now the service weapon for US
Army, Navy, Airforce and US Coastguard. The Bruni Beretta is a superbly detailed copy of the original, has full semi auto
function with double and single action firing mode and is field strippable. Weight 1.1 kg, length 220 mm,
mag. capacity 16, military combat grips.
build_table('tricks',array('bf92','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF1 92 VALTRO BERETTA 92 ARMY A detailed copy of this famous
blank firing handgun, double and single action, excellent finish.
Mag. capacity 19, length 894, weight 1.08kg.
build_table('tricks',array('bf192','bfb9PA')); ?>
Pack of 25 9mm Parabellum blanks suitable for use with the
above gun.
BF1 85 VALTRO BERETTA 85 A very fine 9mm blank version of the Beretta 85 Police auto by
Valtro, 9 shot mag, field strippable.
build_table('tricks',array('bf1859M','bfB9PA')); ?>
Pack of 25 9mm Parabellum blanks suitable for use with the
above gun.
BF95 GLOCK 17 8mm A most impressive, full size, field strippable, heavy weight
blank firing copy of the famous handgun in heavy metal and ABS polymer. Contoured a nd stippled grip, trigger safety, double stacking metal mag (holds 15) Weight 0.94kg
Length 19cm.
build_table('tricks',array('bf95','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF96 MINI GLOCK 8MM A compact blank firing version of the Glock 17 reduced to 17.5cm
length x lO.Scm height and weighing in at 826 gins this snappy little auto packs 10 she9ls and operates in absolutely authentic
build_table('tricks',array('bf96','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF54 DESERT EAGLE Our replica is an 8 mm auto of almost identical weight and gives an amazingly realistic performance.
Weight 2kgs, length 27cm, mag. capacity 8 shots. Wood grips.
build_table('tricks',array('bf54','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
This exciting new 10 shot model from Bruni features combat wood grips, a fully field strippable action
finely polished and blued metalwork. Weight
1kg Length 22cm.
build_table('tricks',array('bf15','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF76 BERETTA MINI 635 A compact semi auto blank firing hand
gun taking 7 8 mm blanks, very useful for the ladies. Length 11 .5cm, weight
build_table('tricks',array('bf76','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF75 POLICE PPK 8 mm auto. An excellent Bruni
made copy of the West German police automatic.
build_table('tricks',array('bf75','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF4 WALTHER P38 8MM A detail by detail blank firing copy in heavy machined metal of the famous WWII German self loading
automatic first used by 5.5. Officers in 1938. Superbly made by the warld92s leading blank firer producer this has all the
timeless features and the exciting mystique of the original weapon. Full semi automatic mode. 9 shot magazine, 220mm
overall, weight about 1kg.
build_table('tricks',array('bf4','bfb8')); ?>
Pack of 50 8mm nitro blanks for the above gun |
BF8000 VALTRO BERElTA 8000. 9mm Parabellum. The latest Beretta
blank firing handgun, this is an impressive so called compact which still measures 1 74 mm overall and weighs in at 1100 gin. A thoroughly mean machine this is a straight blowback
version of the original rotary locking action. Possibly the combat handgun of the future. Mag. holds 11 blanks.
build_table('tricks',array('bf8000','bfb9pa')); ?>
Pack of 25 9mm Parabellum blanks suitable for use with the
above gun.
Shoulder holster for military hand guns, suitable for large
4" and 6" revolvers.
build_table('tricks',array('hm50')); ?>
Shoulder holster for Government Automatics, brownings and
other large automatic hand guns.
build_table('tricks',array('hm61')); ?>
Belt holster suitable for 4" barrel, black leather.
build_table('tricks',array('hm91')); ?>
Belt holster 4" or 6" barrel. Cordura.
build_table('tricks',array('hm90')); ?>
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