Magic Mushroom Growing Kit
Kit contains- instructions, growing container, growing medium and magic mushroom
Mycelium (Psilocybe Cubensis)
Psychoactive magic mushrooms are either eaten fresh (which supposedly produces the most powerful and intensely visual experience) or dried and consumed at a later date. Some users freeze their mushrooms for later use; others put them in capsules for resale and some have put them in
jello. Mixing the mushrooms in milkshakes (known as 'mushroom smoothies') or tea are common methods employed by some users who dislike the natural taste of the mushrooms. Cooking the mushrooms in a soup, stew or omelette has been a popular form of consumption.
There are two simple ways to grow magic mushrooms
at home with our simple kit. The first method is in a small fish tank, the
second growing method uses just a plastic bag.
Both methods will produce good results from our
magic mushroom kit.
Upon receiving the Magic Mushroom kit check condition of mycelium. In a healthy kit
the mycelium should be white with possibly some blue colouration (this is the
psilocybin). Any other
colours may indicate the prescence of mould or bacteria and the kit should be returned unopened for replacement All kits are checked before dispatch and should be In good
If the magic mushroom kit is not going to be used Immediately It can be stored in a refrigerator for a few days.
Your mushroom kit should ideally be grown in a sterile, humid environment at a temperature of about 26 degrees C with a lithe air circulation and a light above. The following 2
mushroom growing set ups will provide these conditions.
Thoroughly clean a small fish tank
with a weak bleach solution (approx 10% bleach :90% water).
2. If tank lid is not wall sealed then air exchange will be Ok. If tank Is well sealed then a vent hole. loosely plugged with
cotton wool is needed.
3. Add enough water to cover tank heater. Water should be sterile, so boil then allow to cool before adding to tank.
Deionised or distilled water is preferable.
4. Use a small fish tank heater set at 26 degrees C.
5. Temperature is checked with a thermometer.
6. Clean tiles are placed in tank to raise height of kit so it is only sat in 1-2cm of water this is so
psilocybe kit will not float around.
7. Your tank should have a light (a small fish tank florescent light is ideal). The
magic mushrooms don't need light to grow, but they do grow towards light so this will keep them growing upright.
8. When tank is set up and temp has stabilised at around 26 degrees C the kit may be added and Ws cover
Remember to clean hands thoroughly or wear clean rubber gloves when working in tank.
Bag Method
Thoroughly clean a large
ziplock or polythene bag.
2. Make wire frame support to go in bag.
3. Place heat mat underneath or leave In warm place to maintain temp of about 26 degrees C.
4. Check temp with stick on type thermometer.
5. Fill a hand sprayer with boiled cooled water and just half a teaspoon of standard bleach (not thick or strong bleach). 2 or
3 times a day, open the bag just enough to fit the spray nozzle In and give a couple of sprays. This provides humidity and a
little air exchange.
6. Place a small lamp over the kit.
7. When all set up, add kit, remove lid and seal bag.
Within a few days under the right conditions mushrooms should start to appear. After a further 2-4 days they should be
fully grown. Try to harvest before cap fully opens and veil under cap is still
intact. Sterile scalpel and tweezers should be used to harvest mushrooms, cut mushroom at its base while holding stem with tweezers. Avoid breathing into
tank, bag. Leave kit set up In tank / bag after first harvest, it hasn't finished yielding beautiful
mushrooms yet! After about a week you may be blessed with second and sometimes a third crop.
40 US dollars |
We also have fresh Mexican Cubensis mushrooms for delivery in the UK only.
1kg of fresh Cubensis
mushrooms |
£99 a kilo |
Psychoactive magic mushrooms are either eaten fresh (which supposedly produces the most powerful and intensely visual experience) or dried and consumed at a later date. Some users freeze their mushrooms for later use; others put them in capsules for resale and some have put them in
jello. Mixing the mushrooms in milkshakes (known as 'mushroom smoothies') or tea are common methods employed by some users who dislike the natural taste of the mushrooms. Cooking the mushrooms in a soup, stew or omelette has been a popular form of consumption.
One reported method of consumption by users in the Southeastern United States who consume Psilocybe cubensis claims that one may "boil the mushrooms in water to remove the active ingredients (which are soluble in hot water)" and then "use the water to prepare foods such as rice or soup, and discard the remains of the mushrooms." Adding further, the author of this report claimed that "this is the basic recipe for hallucinogenic beverages such as magic
Kool-aid." Chocolate and honey are also employed by recreational users for use with their mushrooms. In 1989, Roy Watling reported that during his stay in Queensland in l974, he "saw many `foraying' groups of young people looking for Psilocybe [species] in fields, and was told by one user that Psilocybe was packed in honey to preserve, transport and export." Honey is more frequently used in New Zealand for actual storage. According to some mushroom enthusiasts, mushrooms in honey preserve their potency much better than those which are dried or frozen, especially if placed in honey just after being picked.
"The magic mushrooms take effect differently with different persons. For example, some seem to experience only a divine euphoria, which may translate itself into uncontrollable laughter. In my case I experienced hallucinations. What I was seeing was more clearly seen than anything I had seen before. At last I was seeing with the eye of the soul, not through the coarse lenses of my natural eyes. Moreover, what I was seeing was impregnated with weighty meaning: I was awe-struck."
Truffle growing kit Philosopher's Stones Truffles
Introducing the brand new 'Golden Triple Box' Philosopher Stone Truffle Grow Kit.
The Golden Triple Box has been cultivated under highly specialised conditions. It already contains a substantial amount of truffles, which can triple in yield after a few weeks.
Remove the Golden Triple Box from the cardboard box and place it in a dark area, such as a large box, at a temperature of 20° - 24°
Celcius. It may be opened after 2 weeks and after 4 - 6 weeks it can yield over 100 grams of Mexicana Gold Truffles. You will be amazed at the
Truffle magic mushrooms - Psilocybe Mexicana (portion)
The Psilocybe Mexicana Truffle is technically not a magic mushroom, because it has not yet fruited as a magic mushroom. Psilocybe Mexicana also does not look like anything close to a magic mushroom. It's closer to muesli or cereal breakfast. Psilocybe mexicana is also known as the truffle or philosopher's stone. This magic mushroom is stronger than Psilocybe
tampanensis. This hallucinogen will give you a stoned, psychedelic, philosophical, happy and visual trip. Psilocybe mexicana is a very good magic mushroom for first time users, because of the good feeling and because it is an easy controllable trip compared to other psychedelics. After taking these magic mushrooms, most of the time, you will be in laughter. The psychedelic effects of the Psilocybe mexicana magic mushrooms can last as long as 6 hours. The psychedelic and euphoric effects will last for 3 hours, after which these effects will make place for a stoned effect of another 3 hours. It's very different from the other magic mushrooms and it tastes better too! The best way to use them is to make a cup of tea without sugar or honey. Add the truffles to your tea and let them drift for 15 minutes. After this the hallucinogenic truffles will become soft and your psychedelic magic mushroom tea is ready. Drink it slowly and chew the Psilocybe Mexicana magic mushrooms slowly. Taken this way, the effects of these magic mushrooms will kick in after 15 to 45 minutes. This Psilocybe mexicana euphoric truffle is a psychedelic (hallucinogen) and contains psilocin and
psilocybin. Because of the different effect of this truffle, compared to other Psilocybe magic mushrooms other psychedelic alkaloids are suspected to be present.. Please check if this psilocybin containing psilocybe is legal in your country. These magic mushrooms mix well with Purple Passion caps which will enhance the effects and make them more enjoyable.
Common fresh magic mushrooms like Cubensis contain more than 90% water and when fresh will go bad quickly. These truffle magic mushrooms only contain about 60% water. That's why these fresh magic mushrooms will stay OK for about 2 to 3 weeks when stored in the fridge. When you leave these magic mushrooms outside of the fridge in a warm room with dry air they will dry without any preparation and can be kept for
several months.
Truffle grow kit |
£29.95 |
5-10 grams for a light trip
10-15 grams for a normal trip
15-20 grams for a strong trip
Note! Start with a low dose (5 grams) of these magic mushrooms to check your sensitivity. |