AND THEIR WORLD - explore the diverse environments in
which dinosaurs lived through the Paleozoic, Mesozoic,
and Cenozoic eras, or recount the lives and findings of
famous paleontologists and geologists.
TIMELINE - explore the relationships between your
favourite dinosaurs with an illustrated family tree.
ORGANISER - special tools let you enter notes, bookmark
articles and pictures, and format reports.
ESS441 |
Discover the fascinating world
of dinosaurs.
What makes dinosaurs so interesting
- is it their huge size, or their exotic mystique? Or is
it just that we're still learning about these strange,
lumbering creatures as scientists make new discoveries
and revise old theories? Decide for yourself; with this
fascinating, comprehensive and engaging PC CD-ROM.
Watch a video clip of a
tyrannosaurus running. see how you measure up to your
favourite dinosaur (would you reach his knee, his back,
or his neck?). and click your way through the evolution
of dinosaurs in an illustrated interactive timeline.