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Anti aging treatment, TOTAL HGH
Convert Body Fat to Muscle Mass
Increased Bone Strength
Improved Hearing and Vision
Growth of all Tissues
Cell Replacement
Improved Skin Elasticity
Integrity of Hair, Nails & Skin
Enhanced Sexual Potency |

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Total HGH (Human Growth Hormone) - 30 Doses
Tap into the "Fountain of Youth!" - Try our NEW Extra Strength HGH liquid to restore somatotropin levels and wash away the effects of age!
There are different ways to take Human Growth Hormones (HGH), the most expensive through injection, but now HGH can also be taken in Capsule (SUPER
HGH) and Liquid (TOTAL HGH) form. Total HGH in pure Human Growth Hormone in liquid form.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH), also called somatropin, is produced in the anterior of the pituitary gland deep inside the brain, where it is one of the most abundant hormones secreted. It influences the growth of cells, bones, muscles and organs throughout the body.
Production of HGH peaks at adolescence when accelerated growth occurs. If growing children have too little they remain as dwarfs, while if they have too much they become giants. Ample in our youth, production of HGH falls 80% from age 21 to 61. Daily growth hormone secretion diminishes with age to the extent that a 60 year old may secrete only 25% of the HGH secreted by a 20 year old.
HGH is one of many endocrine hormones, like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and
DHEA, that all decline in production with age. While many of these hormones can be replaced to deter some of the effects of aging, HGH reaches far beyond the scope of any of these hormones. Not only does it prevent biological aging, but it acts to significantly reverse a broad range of the signs and symptoms associated with the aging process. By ages 70 to 80, virtually everyone is deficient in growth hormone, resulting in
SDS, or Somatropin (growth hormone) Deficiency Syndrome.
Symptoms include loss of muscle and an increase of fat, decreased physical mobility, socialization and energy levels, diminished healing ability, a greater risk of cardiovascular disease and lower life expectancy. In other-words, the symptoms of the disease called aging.
The decline of growth hormone with age, sometimes referred to as somatopause, is directly associated with many symptoms of aging, including wrinkling, gray hair, decreased energy and sexual function, increased body fat and cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and more. Many of these symptoms have been associated with younger adults who have growth hormone deficiency; in a sense, the biological age of these adults has exceeded their chronological age.
The good news, however, is clinical evidence demonstrates that by replacing growth hormone we can dramatically reverse these symptoms to restore hair color and growth, regain bone tissue, increase energy and significantly reduce body fat, plus a score of other health benefits.
Total HGH is manufactured in the United States under exacting health standards and regulations. Each ingredient is tested for purity before it is utilized.
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Dropper Full (1 mI)
Servings per container: 30
Amount per Serving: Human Growth Hormone 625 ng
Other Ingredients: Purified Water, Trisodium Citrate, Methyl Paraben & Propyl Paraben
Directions for Use: Place one dropper full under the tongue and hold for 30-60 seconds and then swallow
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General HGH Human Growth
Hormone FAQ
What is HGH Human Growth Hormone?
HGH is produced by the pituitary gland located in the human brain. It is produced in greatest amounts in childhood and adolescence. At the age of 60, HGH levels decrease by 80% of previous levels in adolescence. HGH depletion is marked by the usual signs of aging, which includes increased body fat (especially around the waist), reduced vitality, decreased muscle mass, and poor general health.
Can topping up the depleting HGH levels aid in reversing the signs of aging?
Taking HGH can repair the physiology of the old cell, and cause it to rejuvenate thus reversing aging.
What improvements can I expect to notice taking HGH over a period of 6 months?
General expectations in the FIRST MONTH include:
· Improved stamina
· Vivid dreams
· Better and sounder sleep, and feeling more refreshed upon awakening
· More optimistic attitude and better sense of humour
· Increase in energy (some report they "feel 16 again")
General expectations in the SECOND MONTH include:
· Improved muscle tone
· Enhanced sexual function
· Improvement in nail growth
· Improvement to skin tone
· Better digestion
· Increase in Strength
· Weight loss
· Better eyesight, including night vision
General expectations in the THIRD MONTH include:
· Mental processes improve, including desire to do and complete projects
· Muscle size increases, especially if the individual works out
· Faster recovery for wounds and muscle soreness
· Hair growth
· Reduction in PMS symptoms
· Increase in desire
· Greater body flexibility
· Less pain
· Alleviation of some menopausal symptoms
· Improved nail growth (sign of protein, nutrient assimilation)
General expectations in the FOURTH MONTH include:
Same as above, Generally, most improvements are heightened and are
more consistent. NB. at times the
body may shift into "neutral" and some results seem to diminish or
vanish. Your body may be using HGH to rebuild tissue or, to a degree,
be resting. Tests indicate that, after a while, you should see a
resumption of the benefits and even some vast improvements.
General expectations in the FIFTH MONTH include:
· Impressive weight loss and reduction of inches, since fat is
reduced and muscle tissue is increased and toned.
· Improvement to skin texture and appearance (including skin
· Thickening of skin and greater elasticity
· Reduction of the appearance of wrinkles
· Thickening of hair with a shiny and healthy appearance
General expectations in the SIXTH MONTH include:
Same as above, but now better, with more consistent results. This is
the really exciting stage!
· Cellulite greatly diminishes
· Body is much more contoured
· Eyesight greatly improved
· Better emotional stability
· Stronger resistance to colds, flu and other illnesses
· Some pain and soreness disappear
· Old wounds have healed or are healing
· Excellent exercise tolerance
· Grey hair begins to return to natural colour
Super HGH
What is Super HGH?
Super HGH is an amino acid formula and it is what is known as a precursor which means it stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete its own
HGH. In addition it also contains Colostrum, Phosphatidyl Serine, Phosphatidyl
Choline, Chrysin, Tribulus Terrestris, and Citrus Complex. Please visit
www.upforlife.co.uk/hgh.html to read more about the ingredients in this product.
How do I take Super HGH?
Super HGH is in a capsule form - there are 120 capsules per bottle. Two (2) capsules are taken in the morning and two (2) capsules in the evening, preferably on an empty stomach.
Who should use Super HGH?
Super HGH should be used by anyone who wants to look younger and feel healthier. According to Dr
Klatz, President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine the ideal age to begin supplementation with Super HGH is 25.
Is it safe?
Precursors like Super HGH have been around for many years and there are many studies to demonstrate their efficacy and safety. Super HGH has no contraindications with any other products it has no disadvantages only wonderful benefits.
Total HGH
What is Total HGH?
Total HGH is a rather amazing plant based synthetic Human Growth Hormone called
Somatotrophin, produced in a laboratory through a recombinant DNA process. The molecular structure of Somatotropin is exactly the same as HGH secreted by the pituitary gland.
How do I take Total HGH?
It is taken, sublingually, under the tongue using a dropper, once daily. There are 30 applications in each bottle (1 months supply) and each application contains 625ng of
Who should use Total HGH?
Total HGH is recommended for body builders or weight lifters. HGH supplementation prior to working out causes lean muscle mass that is often noticeable in as little as two or three weeks. It is probably the most effective body building supplement in the world.
Is it safe?
Total HGH was only approved by the FDA in 1995, therefore we do not have any long-term studies. We recommend that it not be used for a long periods of time. Consider beginning with Total HGH for the first 6 months then switching to Super
Do I need to consult a Doctor before I take Total HGH or Super HGH?
If you have an existing medical condition or are currently taking medication you should consult a doctor before use. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Strengthen your immune system, fight age!
Strengthens Immune System
Powerful Anti-Oxidant
Helps Repair & Regenerate Cells
Natural, Safe & Non-Toxic
Powerful Anti-Aging Agent |

Super Immune Formula - 60 capsules
Super Immune Formula; Breakthrough in Preventative Nutrition |
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Our bodies are continually assaulted by viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and environmental toxins. Stress, aging, unbalanced nutrition, environmental pollution, and lack of exercise diminish the effectiveness of the immune system and adversely affect our health. A proper functioning immune system is critical for good health and well-being.
Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan is a powerful immune-enhancing nutritional supplement. This unique compound stimulates the immune response to help the body defend itself against foreign invaders and foreign substances. Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan activates neutrophils and white blood cells known as macrophages, which surround, trap and engulf foreign invading substances rendering them inactive.
What is Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan ?
Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan is a natural substance derived from the cell wall of baker's yeast
(Saccharomyces Cerevisae). It is a carbohydrate consisting of a string of glucose molecules that is highly refined with fats and proteins removed. Technically, it is a carbohydrate made up of a string of glucose molecules that is highly refined with the fats and proteins removed. Alternative sources of Beta Glucan come from oats, barley, mushrooms, and algae. However, for activation of immune response, none compare to Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan extracted from the cell wall of Bakers yeast. Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan is a pure isolate and does not contain enough yeast protein to cause an allergic reaction.
Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan and Anti-aging: One of the main elements of the aging process is a lowering of the effectiveness of the immune function. Increased risk of infections, decreased ability to fight diseases, slower wound healing, and autoimmune disorders are often experienced by older people. Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan nutritionally bolsters the immune system, thereby increasing resistance to infections and environmental toxins. Improved immune function generally results in better health, fewer illnesses, less time and money required for medical needs, and greater enjoyment of life.
Carrow, D.J. MD.; Beta-1,3-glucan as a Primary Immune Activator, Townsend Letter; June 1996. Quote: beta 1,3-glucan may well be the first and only true anti-aging supplement available to all of us.
Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan Research
Scientific research has shown that Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan has beneficial effects on the immune functions of the body and on biological factors involved in various diseases and disorders. The immune-enhancing properties of Beta Glucan were reported in 1939, but it was not until the 1960s that researchers isolated the immune-stimulating component. Research backed by prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Tulane, Baylor, McGill, Washington, Armed Forces Radiology Research Institute, and other institutions all attest to the immune activating properties of Beta
Glucan. Beta Glucan has been extensively researched and documented. The following are some clinical applications of Beta 1,3/1,6
Super Immune Formula Additional Information & Research
Elevated Cholesterol: Ingestion of Beta Glucans has been shown to improve the pattern of lipids in humans and experimental animals with elevated serum cholesterol
(hypercholesterolemia). This "hypocholesterolemic" effect has been demonstrated with dietary use of oats or oat bran and purified Beta Glucans derived from yeast. Studies indicate that Beta Glucans are major factors in lowering total cholesterol and
Immune System Activator: Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan activates macrophages and enhances the ability of the body to respond to and fight numerous toxic substances such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Anti-Tumor and Anti-Cancer activity: Studies indicate that Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan may reduce the threat of cancer by slowing down the progression of tumor growth. Research also suggests that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and or radiation treatment may benefit from Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan . Preliminary studies demonstrate the effectiveness of oral beta
glucan, however, more research is needed to confirm existing studies.
Prevention of Infections: Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan is a safe and very potent biological defense modifier (BDM). Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan also has powerful antioxidant attributes, with heightened free-radical scavenging activity to nutritionally enable the immune system to fight back against health invaders. Recent independent experiments in 2000-2001 at the University of Nevada School of Medicine under the direction of Kenneth Hunter,
Sc.D. confirmed prior research completed at Baylor College of Medicine in the laboratory of Professor Phil
Wyde, Ph.D. as to the oral effectiveness of Beta glucan in activating immunity. Macrophages in both studies significantly increased their immune response (phagocyte) activity in mice fed with Beta-1,3/1,6
Glucan. Hunter KW, Gault RA, Berner MD., Preparation of microparticulate beta-glucan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae for use in immune
potentiation, Lett Appl Microbiol;35(4):267-71, 2002.
Injuries, Endurance, and Tissue Repair : Numerous researchers have examined the use Beta-1,3/1,6-Glucan f on tissue repair due to wounds from surgeries or accidents. Macrophages not only appear to help removal of dead tissue, but also aid in the promotion and growth of cells in the vicinity of the wound. Please consult with your health care professional about the possible use of Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan prior to strenuous exercise, elective or emergency surgery, or dental surgery. Tzianabos AO, Cisneros R.I. Channing ,Prophylaxis with the immunomodulator PGG glucan enhances antibiotic efficiency in rats infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Laboratory Brigham and Women 's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Ann NY Acad.
Sci., Oct. 25, 797:285-7, 1996. Browder W., et. al. Beneficial effect of enhanced macrophage function in the trauma patient, Ann
Surg, May,1990. Babineau TJ, et. al. A phase II multicenter, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of three dosages of an immunomodulator
(PGG-glucan) in high-risk surgical patients,Arch Surg. 1994 Nov. 1994.
Bioterrorism: In addition to antibiotics and vaccines there is a third arm of defense against the threat of bioterrorism - immune modulation. In a recent study conducted by Vaclav Vetvica et al., nutraceutical stimulation of the immune system greatly increased the survival rate of mice infected with lethal anthrax spores. Vetvicka et al. used oral Beta Glucan from a yeast source in mice infected with Bacillus
anthracis. Results indicated , significant anthrax-protective, anti-infective , and tumor-protective effects (tumor size and
vascularization). Macrophage activation is an effective form of nonspecific immune stimulation. While data provided in the research by Vetvicka and co-workers is preliminary and needs to be confirmed by a larger controlled trial, this is an important pilot study, in that it demonstrates the potential effectiveness of oral Beta Glucan in treating both infectious agents and tumors. Vetvicka V, Terayama K, Ostroff G et al; Orally-administered Yeast B1,3-glucan prophylactically protects against anthrax infection and cancer in mice. J of the Amer Nutraceutical
Assc; Vol 5-2, pp1-20; Spring 2002.
Radiation Exposure: Myra L. Patchen, M.D., and her team at the U.S. Armed Forces Radiobiology Institute performed studies using animals exposed to lethal doses of radiation. When given Beta Glucan orally after exposure to radiation, 70% of them showed complete protection from the damaging effects of the radiation disease is triggered by medical radiation. Dr.
Patchen, along with other scientists, suggest that Beta Glucan should be considered an effective way of rebuilding the immune system and preventing the infection following chemotherapy and radiation in cancer treatment. Patchen
M.L.; Radioprotective effect of oral administration of beta-1,3-glucan, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD Research Report, 1989.
Side effects and other medications: Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan is safe and non-toxic, and has no known adverse reactions when taken with other pharmacological drugs or herbal remedies. In fact Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan has been shown to enhance the effect of antibiotics and cholesterol-lowering drugs. However, if you are taking medications or have a medical condition, it is always prudent to check with your physician or health care professional before taking this product. Tzianabos AO, Cisnerol
RL, et al; Protection against intraabdominal sepsis by two polysaccharide immonumodulators (Beta 1,3/1,6
glucan), J Infect Dis, 178:1,200-6. 1998. Quote: These data demonstrate the usefulness of [Beta 1,3/1,6
glucan] in preventing experimental intraabdominal sepsis and may represent a new adjunct to antibiotic regimens currently used to prevent clinical cases of this disease.
Dosage: Super Immune Formula is composed of highly refined research grade Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan in Hypo-Allergenic Vegetarian Capsules. As a dietary supplement take two capsules per day preferably without food. Consult with your doctor or health care professional to evaluate individual medical conditions that may benefit from higher doses. Beta Glucan has been given a
G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized As Safe) rating by the FDA.
Super Immune Formula is manufactured in the United States under exacting health standards and regulations. Each ingredient is tested for purity before it is utilized.
Facts - Serving Size: 2 Capsules (60 capsules per container) |
Amount Per Serving |
Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan |
250 mg |
* |
* No RDA has been established
Other ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Cellulose, Cellulose, Silica
& Vegetarian Capsule. |
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