Introducing the lufo lamp
This interesting device is actually a lamp, burns on ordinary lamp oil. The
flame provides heat and light and also heats up a thermal battery.
Thanks to this lamp, one can now listen to FM/AM/ radio stations anywhere, without batteries and far from the electric network.
With the LUFO Radio, you can have light and listen to the radio for 24 hours using only 33cl of fuel.
The electrical power produced by the lamp is non polluting and preserves the environment.
It is the result of more than ten years of research on power thermoelectricity that have been carried by Edouard SERRAS-PAULET.
This hurricane lamp is operational in all types of climates, whatever the humidity and temperature conditions are.
The LUFO RADIO responds to a worldwide need for communication, education and health. For the first time, a product for the general public manufactured directly in the developing countries associates a traditional tool, the hurricane lamp, a technological innovation, the thermopile that produces electricity from the flame, and a means of communication, the radio.
When one turns on the lamp, the flame heats the lower part of the thermoelements especially adapted while their upper part is cooled by a radiator. An electric current is produced :
and the radio works.
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Peltier Effect heat pump.

conductor thermoelectric device which works on the Peltier effect. When supplied
with a suitable electric current, can either cool or heat. Also when subjected
to a externally applied temperature gradient can produce an electric current.
Ideal for cooling or controlling the temperature of sub assemblies. Each
module is supplied with a comprehensive 18 page Peltier design manual featuring
circuit designs, design information etc etc. The Peltier manual is also
available separately
- Maximum watts 56.2
- 40x40mm
- Imax 5.5A
- Vmax 16.7
- Sealed to improve reliability in condensing situations
- Tmax (c- dry N2) 72
- Lead wires
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