crafted piece sets.
Easy installation.
Beautifully rendered and fully
scalable piece sets.
Multiple perspectives
including overhead view.
Custom user interface.
6 classic board and piece
Open and play in any number of
Five levels of difficulty.
VCR-like replay controls
accompany all player/piece actions.
Ability to print the list of
moves from a current game.
ESS242 |
From novice to Grand
A truly awe-inspiring multimedia chess game!
From novice to Grand
Master, this unique and classic presentation of the game
of chess is the ultimate strategy experience.
Great interactive play, dynamic views and sizzling
graphics combined with exquisite 3D modelled and
rotatable boards, produce a truly awe-inspiring
multimedia chess game. Play the computer, have the
computer play against itself or alternatively stage your
own championship with opponents over the Internet, via a
modem or over a network.
In true 24-bit colour with multiple chess sets and
elaborately rendered game settings the customisable user
interface enables you to display any number of open
windows or views of the chessboard, at the same time, at
any angle and scaled to any size.
Gain an interesting insight into the minds of the Grand
Masters as you view and study over 4,000 championship
chess games or import other classic games (PGN format
only). With a variety of user options, levels of
difficulty and amazing visual and sound effects,
there’s never a dull moment.