This stunning PC CD-ROM
contains professional quality clip art images from
across the globe, plus special ethnic images and
religious scenes.
Works with all popular software and printers including:
- Word processor, spreadsheet etc., presentation
software, web authoring tools, or other similar
software, graphics applications that support 32bit
images, popular image editing software.
Exports into Windows® clipboard, .gif, .wmf, .emf, .tif,
.tga, .ras, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .pcx, .psd, .wpg.
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Lost for Words? Then use an Image!
115,000 Clip Art Images is
bursting with quality images to suit every need and all
occasions. Be colourful and creative, you'll soon
discover it's easy to make an impact - after all an
image can say a 1000 words! Easy to use with a powerful
image viewer and Export Wizard, 115,000 Clip Art Images
is suitable for everyone.
1. Select your image from a category or keyword.
2. View your image and then resize it, or flip it.
3. Import your image into your own work or project to
create a professional and eye-catching design.
A multitude of buttons, icons and symbols will help you
create an eye-catching Web site. Even add animated
graphics to bring life and motion to your page. (GIF)
What you can and cannot
do with 115,000 Clip Art Images
You may incorporate any image(s) into your own original
work and publish, display and distribute your work in
any media. You may not resell, sublicense, or otherwise
make available the image(s) for use or distribution
separately or detached from a product or Web page. For
example, the image(s) may be used as part of a Web page
design, but may not be made available for downloading
separately or in a format designed or intended for
permanent storage or re-use by others. (The images shown
on this packaging may have been cut out from their
original backgrounds and may not appear as shown on