20 million stars, the Milky Way, over 70,000 amazing
deep space objects, nebulae and star clusters, galaxies
and quasars, all of the planets and their moons, over
50,000 asteroids, over 1,500 comets plus much, much
Astronomical Record Breakers
and Photo Gallery with spectacular images that take into
account the latest discoveries.
The complete Hipparcos and
Tycho-2 stellar catalogues.
Travel through time to observe
the skies from any vantage point on Earth or in our
solar system from 4173 BC to 9999 AD.
Capture your voyages in space
with the movie recorder.
Use the high precision Sky
Diary to plan your night's observations.
Track thousands of satellites,
asteroids and comets.
Tomorrow's space discoveries
can be imported and integrated into the program from
specialised Internet sites.
FFB032 |
Ultimate Planetarium Software.
Imagine a new RedShift 5
experience, created with state-of- the-art technology
and expanded functions to extend your view into space.
Would you like to examine Mars' surface in detail, or
take in the view of Earth from Venus? Maybe you long to
see beyond our galaxy into deep space? RedShift 5
contains everything that both the amateur and
experienced astronomy enthusiast needs to explore the
Easy to use, powerful software to turn your desktop into
the ultimate planetarium.
Guide Star catalogue 2, Tycho Double Star
catalogue, plus catalogues of optically visible
open clusters and candidates, variable stars,
quasi-stellar objects and BL Lacertae. |
catalogue of 50,000 asteroids from the Bowel
Database. |
database of images of Deep Sky Objects from the
Caldwell catalogue. |
high resolution maps of planets obtained from
the latest space missions. |
recently discovered moons of Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune. |
of Solar corona with total eclipse event, Meteor
showers, "quasi-realistic" images of
comets (with nuclei and tails). |
vision option - screen dimming and reddening -
useful for observers. |
Display Mode - on-screen labels, full screen
display without bars, or display multiple use
objects such as stars, comets, asteroids and
spacecraft in the Sky Window. |
view to mirror image as seen through your own
telescope. |
to view the collection of guided tours of space
illustrating fascinating aspects of astronomy. |
set-up of the sky view with newly integrated
OpenGL technologies. |