an interactive Biblical Timeline where you can view the
major significant events of the Bible in chronological
Step forward into modern day Holy Land with picture
slide shows, set to beautiful music, and see the
religious sites, art, people, relics and artifacts as
they appear today
The in-built search facility allows you to do studies
that are almost impossible using a paper Bible, such as
searching for every reference to "Son of Man"
or "Jesus". Search for words, names, themes or
use the Bible index feature and choose any book, chapter
or verse instantly, for quick and easy referencing.
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hear and read the events that made the Bible!
The Interactive Bible Study
Guide will transform the written Scriptures into an
exciting and rewarding interactive experience through
full-motion video, inspirational audio passages,
stirring sound effects and vivid colour illustrations,
maps, photos and biblical paintings.
Step into the pages of the complex King James Version of
the Holy Bible covering every verse, chapter and book
from Genesis to Revelations. Instantly access Barron's
BookNotes Bible Study Guides while reading! Witness
God's creation of heaven and earth.
Sail with Noah and his paired animals in the Ark. Follow
Moses as he leads the Hebrews from Egypt through the Red
Sea. March with Joshua and the Israelites against the
walled city of Jericho and hear the word of God.
View over 300 stunning colour illustrations, ancient
maps, photos, biblical paintings and drawings.
Watch nearly one hour of video, based on The Living
Bible series. Listen to over one hour of audio readings
from the Gospels, plus inspirational Psalms, the Ten
Commandments and other verses.
Print facility allows you to print all or part of the
Holy Bible and accompanying notes and photographs. |