3-D simulations of the solar system and its planets,
moons, asteroids, and comets as they orbit around the
Research projects,
Internet-based activities, and writing assignments that
focus on the information presented in the program.
access to external productivity tools - a word
processor, a drawing program, presentation software and
a spreadsheet.
links to related Internet sites.
electronic glossary providing definitions of terms and
ESS439 |
Discover Astronomy and Space
What lies out there in the
distance? How did it all begin? In recent decades,
advances in space research have enabled scientists to
investigate these complex questions and answer some
simpler ones, such as where falling stars come from,
what causes a solar eclipse, and whether or not there is
life on Mars. As you explore this fascinating PC CD-ROM,
you will learn about the origin of the universe, the
development of galaxies, the birth and death of stars,
plus much, much, more.
Contains written text, narration,
photographs, sounds, animated sequences, and full-screen
video segments about the universe, the bodies in it,
tools used in studying them, and the highlights of
astronomical research past and present.
(Originally released
as Touch the Sky, Touch the Universe).