The all natural herbal Viagra for women, designed to increase female sexual desire, pleasure and sexual function.
Pleasure Plus
Natural herbal Viagra for women
Increases female sexual desire
Increases female sexual pleasure
Increases sexual function |
build_table('tricks',array('P5003')); ?>
Ingredients and Overview of this new herbal Viagra for women
Damiatia Known in Latin as Tumera aphrodisiac, Damiana has sexual stimulating properties and can strengthen the ova and helps balance hormones in females. It is used to improve sexual prowess and overcome weakness and exhaustion. Damiana is considered one of the safest herbs for rejuvenating the sexual weakness.
Yohimbe This herb is well known as a sexual stimulant and enhancer of sexual function. It is used to treat frigidity and has strong aphrodisiac qualities. Yohimbe also helps with painful menstruation.
Mziira Puama From the Rainforest, Muira Puama is also known as "potency wood". As an aphrodisiac, it enhances libido and can help re-activate sexual virility. Muira Puama is also used for genital weakness.
Siberian Ginse.,ig By improving glandular function and energy, Ginseng can help restore sexual energy and desire by improving the overall metabolism and energy levels of the body. It works especially through various glands, which are involved, with libido, sexual function, and stamina.
Licorice Root Licorice is famous for creating balance and synergy in herbal formulas. It also acts on the glands, especially the adrenals to optimize hormone levels. The adrenals produce sex hormones and are directly involved with a healthy sex drive. Lowered adrenal function can lead to loss of libido, less energy, and poorer sexual response.
Epimedium Well known in Chinese Medicine, Epimedium is utilized for frigidity and menstrual irregularity. It has shown an ability to stimulate sexual activity as well as enhance and stimulate the sensory nerves. Epimedium is helpftd for improving urinary tract function.
L-Tyrosine An amino acid, or building block of protein, Tyrosine is ftequently used to alleviate depression which can be a major block to normal sexual drive and enjoyment. Tyrosine is believed to decrease reactions to stress, stimulate the sex drive and have aphrodisiac properties. It also helps to improve thyroid hormone output, which improves metabolism and energy levels.
Zinc This mineral is essential for healthy sexual function and the health of the sexual organs. It is involved with production of several hormones involved with genital function and has been used to treat infertility. Zinc deficiency may also cause menstrual irregularities.
B-Complex All of the B vitamins are involve with production of energy, metabolism, and synthesis of hormones. B vitamins may be the most important nutrient for healthy function of the nerves. Lack of sensory function can directly lead to lack of sexual fulfillment. Lower levels of B vitamins means lower levels of female hormones. B- Complex can also improve menstrual problems.
build_table('tricks',array('P5003')); ?>
Enhance your testosterone and enhance your sexual performance with Lust Plus.
Lust Plus
Increase sexual pleasure
Increase sexual performance
Increases sexual power
Increase sexual desire
Reduces premature ejaculation
build_table('tricks',array('P5004')); ?>
spray into your mouth for fast effects £19.95
Instantly absorbed through the glands in your mouth, Lust Plus is an all natural, homeopathic growth hormone and testosterone enhancer, which increases sexual performance, enjoyment and desire. Lust Plus also helps eliminate premature ejaculation while increasing sexual power, during sex.
Ingredients and Overview
Growth Hormone and Testosterone In homeopathic potency these ingredients supply Growth Hormone and testosterone to enhance libido, male functions, and sexual performance. They also maximize the availability and usage of these hormones already existing in the body. Homeopathic hormones tend to create and ideal environment for the body to utilize its own hormones which is especially important as a person ages.
Adrenal and Pitiiitary Homeopathic glandular help to optimize the health and function of the corresponding gland in the body, especially when under stress. The adrenals and pituitary are vital for hormone output, including sex hormones,.which directly affect sexual performance, desire, and enjoyment.
Homeopathic remedies are used to correct various deficiencies and imbalances.
Agnus Castzis Used for lack of desire, poor erections, impotence, and decreased prostatic fluid.
Baryla Carbonica Used to increase sexual desire, early impotence, enlarged prostate, and hardened testicles.
Caladizim Seguititim Used for impotency, Helps increase erection during sex, and achieve orgasm.
Lycopodizim Helps eliminate lack of erection and premature ejaculation. Nuphat Lutezim Used to increase sexual desire.
Otiosmoditim Helps correct loss of desire, deficient erections, and is used to treat mental impotence.
Phosphoric Acidum Used to treat nocturnal emissions. Increase sexual power, especially during sex.
Selenium Metallictim Excellent for elderly men who experience prostatius and a lack of 'lone' in the sexual region. Helps decrease nocturnal emission of semen and prostatic fluid. Helps maintain excitability during sex. Also used for men who have strong sexual thoughts with a lack of physical power.
build_table('tricks',array('P5003')); ?>
just spray into your mouth for fast effects
Lust Aphrodisiac
"This made me
feel really horny. Sex was more exciting, and the main thing I noticed was
how much more responsive I was to touch." (MB) |

Lust is a very
powerful pro-sexual stimulant/ aphrodisiac when taken shortly prior
to sex. Its potent mix of renowned herbal aphrodisiacs amplifies
performance and heightens sensuality for both men and women
build_table('tricks',array('LU1')); ?>
What is a Lust experience like?
It is a stimulant, that will give both
men and women plenty of Speed like energy, together with aphrodisiac elements
that will make sex a far more sensual experience, and it can increase
performance in men.
Typically you will experience:
- lots of extra energy,
- bigger ejaculations
- very sensitive and tingly sensations
of the hair and skin.
Since Lust is a strong stimulant, for
some men it can make it easier to achieve an erection. Also since it is a
stimulant Lust can also make it difficult to sleep.
It is a very good after clubbing
aphrodisiac, that is ok when mixed with alcohol.
Product Design Report
(January 1999)
LUSTs design is based upon treating
the whole by giving the organism everything it requires to reach a better level
of performance by its own natural mechanisms as well as direct stimulation. The
components work together to produce an effect that is greater than the sum of
each individually.
Lust should be consumed as a 1-3 capsule
dose approximately 30 minutes before sex, for the best effect.
Here I will state the reasons for the
inclusions of each of the ingredients in the LUST.
Sida cordifolia
The main active ingredient is Sida
cordifolia extract, which contains L-Ephedrine. Ephedrine is a natural
amphetamine that gives stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS), similar
to speed (but to a lesser extent,) along with the excitation of the peripheral
nervous system, that is far greater than that associated with Speed. This
peripheral activity is what gives the rushes and the tingling of the skin and
hair, and the heightened sexual sensitivity. Exercise such as sex upon Lust will
produces masses of rushes. The nature of Ephedrine assures that the overall
effects are markedly different from those associated with Speed and other abused
Amphetamines such as Ecstasy.
SAW PALMETTO [Serenoa repens]:
A long standing mainstay of most if not
all aphrodisiacs on the market and any product would be deficient if this were
not present. It aids in the prostrate function and increases its potency. The
berries are the part used and are very nutritious and act as a tonic for the
glandular tissues. They build and strength healthy body tissue very rapidly and
tend to normalize body weight. They are excellent for regaining health after any
wasting illness and have an anticatarrhal influence on sore urinary passages.
They are frequently used in cases of atrophy of the testes and mammary glands.
They are most famous for their ability to increase the production of sperm in
males when taken regularly. In this sense it can be regarded as a truly
beneficial aphrodisiac.
As another essential amino acid it is
important in our sex lives. It compromises 80% of the sperm cells. A deficiency
may result in impotence, sterility, and decrease in the production and mobility
of sperm. It is also important for the synthesis and release of the pituitary
glands growth hormone. It increases sperm counts and is essential for adults
after the age of 30 as there is almost a complete cessation of its secretion
from the pituitary gland.
It acts by increasing the amount of
nitrous oxide in the body which signal the penis to expand and leads to longer
lasting and quicker erections.
In summary Lust is a supplement designed
to increase energy and sexual sensitivity. It has a simple but effective
formula, and it works well on both men and women.
How many do you need to take?
Lust is packaged in 3 capsule doses.
You should take 1-3 capsules depending on
the amount of stimulation desired, and also the proximity to when you wish to go
to sleep (the closer it is to when you wish to go to sleep, the less you should
What is the best way to take them?
Swallowed with a drink (or emptied into a
drink for those who do not like swallowing capsules,) approximately 30 mins to
an hour before sex.
How long do they last?
Generally a 1 capsule will last 2-3
hours, and 2 or 3 capsules will last up to 6 hours.
How do you feel the following day?
Is it OK to mix them with Alcohol and
other drugs?
They do not react badly with alcohol,
although alcohol is a powerful sedative, so it can mask the effects of
stimulants such as Lust, if drunk in large quantities.
Whilst we cannot condone the taking of
illegal recreational drugs, we can say that they should not react in an adverse
way when taken in conjunction with Lust.
Any particular Cautions regarding
Lust can cause sleeplessness. You should
not take if you suffer from any adverse heart condition, or if you are using any
MAO inhibiting medicines. As a safer, but more general recommendation you should
not take these if you are suffering any diagnosed medical condition, or if you
are taking any medicines, without first consulting your medical practitioner.
Uraeus EROTICA aprodisiac
Take one erotica capsule orally with liquid 20 minutes
before sex on a light stomach not more than one Erotica capsule in a 24
hour period....Achieve!!
Ingredients- Muira, Puima extract, Piperine, Gelatine and Rice extract |
build_table('tricks',array('shee17')); ?>
Uraeus LUST sexual stimulant
Take one LUST capsule orally with liquid 20 minutes before
sex on a light stomach not more than one LUST capsule in a 24 hour
period.... Pro sexual stimulant, unleash the power within!!!
Ingrdients- Muira puima extract, piperine, gelatine, rice extract.
build_table('tricks',array('shee19')); ?>
"This made me
feel really horny. Sex was more exciting, and the main thing I noticed was
how much more responsive I was to touch." (MB) |

Lust is a very
powerful pro-sexual stimulant/ aphrodisiac when taken shortly prior
to sex. Its potent mix of renowned herbal aphrodisiacs amplifies
performance and heightens sensuality for both men and women
build_table('tricks',array('LU1')); ?>
What is a Lust experience like?
It is a stimulant, that will give both
men and women plenty of Speed like energy, together with aphrodisiac elements
that will make sex a far more sensual experience, and it can increase
performance in men.
Typically you will experience:
- lots of extra energy,
- bigger ejaculations
- very sensitive and tingly sensations
of the hair and skin.
Since Lust is a strong stimulant, for
some men it can make it easier to achieve an erection. Also since it is a
stimulant Lust can also make it difficult to sleep.
It is a very good after clubbing
aphrodisiac, that is ok when mixed with alcohol.
sexual stimulant/ Aphrodisiac

Pro sexual stimulant. Contains: Kava,
fruits, Potassium Sorbate, Damiana, Smilax, Tribulus
Uraeus liquid LUST
1 pack |
Uraeus liquid LUST
6 pack |
Uraeus liquid LUST 60
pack |
build_table('tricks',array('LUST1','LUST6','LUST60')); ?>
liquid lust herbal concentrate induces a high euphoric state of warm
emotional & mental relaxation, promoting friendliness. Contains: piper
methysticum, damiana, tribulis, smilax, chocolate, vanilla bean, nutmeg, fruit
syrups & flavours, purified water, potassium sorbate
LIQUID LUST orally with hot or cold liquid or mix with a drink.
Shake the
bottle, and take on a light stomach
3X charged
dose, 1 or 2 vials max, not more than 3 in 24 hours
LIQUID LUST must be kept out of reach of children
Do not take
if you are on medication, driving, pregnant or have any pre existing health
problems without first consulting your GP.
LIQUID LUST is not suitable for under 18's
Spanish Fly (Spanische
build_table('tricks',array('SPF1')); ?>
The Original Inverma 'Spanish Fly D5' Drops Available
Once found only in registered 'sex' shops and brothels, we bring you the
original Inverma Spanish Fly Drops. Its active ingredients quickly promotes
sexual desire and arousal. This product can be mixed with any drink - but no
more than 15 drops should be used.
Herbal aphrodisiac
- At last, a truly
natural way of increasing your sex drive.
- BOOST the unique
two stage approach! BOOST from DR
Andrew Stanway.
Aphrodisiac enhances your sex drive.(60 Capsules)
Aphrodisiac helps you enjoy the results.(120 Capsules)
- Total (180
build_table('tricks',array('BST1')); ?>
X |
Xescription: BEST SELLER!!
Undetectable scent that sexually attracts women without them even being
aware of it! Enough to last for months. Attracts women!! Giant 100g
build_table('tricks',array('PHER1')); ?>
: World
Famous De Luxe long-action delay oil. Used by porno stars to
sustain erections
build_table('tricks',array('CHIN1')); ?>
The most powerful herbal Viagra on the market. An all natural formulation that increases blood flow to genitals with an aphrodisiac effect to excite sexual organs. It helps increase sperm count plus it improves sexual function and desire.
Erect Pills
Increases blood flow to genitals
Increases sexual function
Increase sexual desire
Increases sperm count
Aphrodisiac effect
build_table('tricks',array('P5000')); ?>
Ingredients and Overview
B Complex needed for numerous functions including energy and protein metabolism, hormone function, circulation, healthy nerves, and stamina. Deficiency of one or more B vitamins can drastically interfere with sexual function, libido, energy, and hormonal balance.
Vitamin E As a natural aid to oxygenation, Vitamin E is necessary to ensure not only proper sexual function, but also libido as it oxygenates and protects against cellular damage in the brain, heart, and sexual organs. Increased circulation aids overall sexual performance. Zinc A major constituent of semen, Zinc is found in high concentration in the prostate gland, and is needed for its healthy function. In fact, 15mg of Zinc are lost from ejaculation and supplementing with Zinc may help prevent prostate enlargement. Zinc is a component of several hormones and a lack can lead to decrease sexual desire and function. Oysters are very high in Zinc.
Yohimbe Used traditionally to treat impotence and frigidity, Yohimbe helps to increase blood flow and sensitivity of nerves, especially in the pelvic region. It is used as an aphrodisiac to excite sexual organs and improve central nervous system function.
Aveiia Saliva Used to treat fatigue and exhaustion. Avena improves brain and nervous system function and has been used to treat impotency. It is excellent for recovering from over indulgence and also to correct sexual debility.
Ginkgo Biloba Ginkgo has become famous for its ability to improve vascular function and circulation especially to the brain. It actually can improve circulation throughout the body, which is vital for normal sexual function and desire. Improved oxygen to the brain will enhance desire, performance and enjoyment.
Miiira Pziama A South American herb Muira Puama has been used to treat impotence and frigidity and can have aphrodisiac and stimulant qualities while also improving the kidneys.
Tribzilis Terrisitis A natural testosterone enhancer, Tribulis can improve desire and performance and also help to increase sexual energy. Tribulis is also an excellent circulatory and heart tonic and can help dilate arteries. In India it is used as a tonic for the entire urinary system.
Dodder Seeds A male tonic, Dodder is utilized for impotence, nerve weakness, and
prostatis. It is an aphrodisiac, which can help build sperm and decrease seminal emission. Dodder has a strengthening affect on the structural system.
build_table('tricks',array('P5000')); ?>
Sexual Mood Stimulator is an all-natural formulation that increases serotonin levels, which elevates mood toward sexual activity. It helps eliminate nervous tension and anxiety and can create sexual stimulation.
Sexual Mood Pills
Increases serotonin levels
Elevates mood
Eliminate nervous tension
Increases sexual stimulation
Creates a relaxed mood
build_table('tricks',array('P5002')); ?>
Tub of 60 tablets
Ingredients and Overview of SEXUAL MOOD stimulator for men and women
St. John's Wort has been proven in numerous studies to be a natural mood elevator, which can relieve pain, nervous tension, and anxiety. Feeling uncomfortable, anxious, irritable, and hyper can all be a hindrance to not only good sexual performance, but also even the desire to have sex. St. John's Wort can help correct all these imbalances by increasing Serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter in the brain which when deficient can cause emotional upset, mood swings, and a inability to "feel romantic". Adequate Serotonin leads to relaxation, a sense of contentment, and emotional calm. A proper frame of mind is more conducive to the desire and enjoyment of sex.
Golu Kola is an Indian herb, which is considered indispensable for good mental health, clarity, and focus. It is utilized to improve meditation because of its healing and balancing effects on the brain. Gotu Kola relieves mental tension, reduces anxiety, and improves attention. While St. John's Wort is mentally and emotionally uplifting, Gotu Kola increases focus and sharpness of the mind, an essential ingredient to the enjoyment of sex. Being tuned into the other person leads to better satisfaction for both, and Gotu Kola enhances this process.
B-Complex is vital for energy and nerve function and any lack will cause lessened sexual function. The various B vitamins are needed for emotional health, brain function, and cognitive abilities. Having adequate levels of these nutrients allows a person to enjoy feeling of arousal, excitement, and desire. B-Complex are involved in hormone and neurotransmitter production, both of which are essential to normal feelings of sexual desire and adequacy. A lack of any of these vitamins can lead to poor sexual health and diminished sexual feeling.
Senega Snakeroot is commonly used in China to promote positive feelings and calm and is considered a heart and mind remedy. It is able to combat anxiety, mental instability, and restlessness, all stumbling blocks to enjoyable sex. By opening a person's mind and clearing tension, Senega greatly enhances the ability to desire and enjoy sexual relations. The same benefits can be found because of Senega's ability to energize the heart. Senega is probably one of the best herbs for recreating a positive mental attitude.
Passion Flower is as the name states, an herb which enhances passion by relieving tension, anxiety, nervousness, and muscular discomfort. It also helps relieve pain and spasms. Passion Flower may get its name because it has a very mild hypnotic affect and can help ease mental barriers and increase focus. This naturally leads to better sexual function and enjoyment.
build_table('tricks',array('P5002')); ?>
Staying Power Pills For Men - Ultimate Stamina is the all-natural stay power that most of us need. Creates a feeling of euphoria, while giving you energy & power, it also increases the libido function.
Ultimate Stamina
Increases energy levels
Gives a euphoric feeling
Increases stamina
Increases the libido function
All natural ingredients
build_table('tricks',array('P5001')); ?>
a tub of 60 tablets
Ingredients and Overview of Ultimate Power Pills
MaHuaiig is an Oriental herb with stimulant qualities. MaHaung, or Ephedra works through the Adrenals to increase energy and alertness. The adrenals are a source of several sex hormones and proper functioning adrenals means better sexual function. Ma]Huang also improves respiratory health which leads to better oxygenation of the cells. More oxygen leads to more physical and more mental energy, both of which are vital to the enjoyment of sex. This herb also has vasoditatory powers. In other words, MaHuang improves blood flow, and proper blood flow to the genital area is the number one requirement for sexual performance as well as pleasure.
Catuaba comes from the Rainforest in South America. This herb is a rejuvenator and has been used to increase fertility and libido. Catuaba is employed for correcting impotence and has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. It helps fight fatigue, especially when related to hypertension. Catuaba is also considered a tonic for the genitals. Catuaba is a primary herb in South America for sexual dysfunctions related to low energy and exhaustive states.
Kola Nut is a natural source of caffeine and is used to increase energy and stamina which directly leads to better sexual performance. It is a natural pick-me-up which is stimulating to the central nervous system. Kola Nut has been known to produce feelings of euphoria, a condition that greatly heightens feelings of pleasure. Kola Nut not only gives quick energy, it allows for energy production for longer lasting performance.
Fo Ti is a Chinese Herbal, which has the reputation of improving longevity because of its tonic effects. Chinese folklore has it that men who regularly used FoTi not only lived to a ripe old age, they retained their sexual potency and abilities well into their later years. The energizing effects of FoTi are subtler than Kola Nut of
MaHuang, but tend to last longer meaning increased sexual stamina.
Astragaiiis has been used for centuries in China to fortify the system and increase the energy of internal organs. It actually has a stronger rejuvenating effect when combined with FoTi and helps increase recovery from tiredness or even exhaustion. Taking FoTi and Astragalus together will before or after sex will allow for a quicker recovery of both energy and vital fluids.
Potassium Glycerophosphate is a very soluble and easily absorbed form of Potassium. Potassium is vital for all muscle metabolisms, especially the heart. Potassium is vital for muscle metabolism, especially the heart. From overexertion, excessive sweating, and improper diet, Potassium is often deficient. This results in fatigue and muscle tightness or cramps, often more noticeable at night. Having adequate Potassium will allow the muscles to perform for longer periods of time during sex. Using the phosphate form of this mineral also helps to eliminate lactic acid, a by-product of muscle contraction, which results in tired achy muscles and spasms.
£16.99 for a tub of 60 tablets
build_table('tricks',array('P5001')); ?>
Salvia Divinorum
6X The ultimate halluinogenic experience will heighten sexual pleasure and
sensual appreciation.
Each pack contains enough for between 10 and
20 'trips' |
build_table('tricks',array('SDE6X')); ?>
Effects: Salvia trips range in intensity from subtle, mild cannabis like high to extremely
powerful (loss of tactile and motor functions and identity)
Activity: Short acting. When smoked the effects come on very quickly: in less than a minute
and usually lasts 10-30 minutes, with after effects lingering for about one hour. When chewed,
effects last about 1 hour and linger for about 30 minutes to one hour.
Toxicity: Unknown. No known or reported instances of injury or death.
Addictiveness: Non-habituating
Detectability: Not detectable on any current drug tests.
The strength of the trip will depend on how much you take, the way you take it and your body
's own chemistry.
Salvia trips differ from those produced by other visionary drugs or herbs and Salvia has many
Salvia is legal
Salvia is not habit forming
Salvia seldom produces adverse side-effects or hangover
Salvia is fun and it's "bouncy" effects are unlike anything else you will have
You cannot take a fatal overdose of Salvia leaves
It's effects are brief and within an hour or so (usually much less) the tripper will be back
to normal. It's very reassuring to hold onto this knowledge if things get messy!!
A recent issue of The Entheogen Review reports on one
person's journey following the smoking
of two dried Salvia Divinorum leaves, consumed in two large hits from a water pipe:
l felt like and saw myself as a tree. Branches began growing out of my body, filling up the room, and I felt
and saw my roots growing all over the floor and out beneath the door. At this point I could no longer
remember if I had smoked anything, or if my mind had flipped on me. My room had turned into artwork from
'Where the Wild Things are' a kid's book. The room was a garden of geometric twines and leaves from my own body. Someone was pushing a
wheelbarrow along one of my vines while smiling at me. TOE corp. Salvia is a truly unique visionary herb and when treated with respect can reward you and guide you
towards greater self-knowledge and harmony. Take it easy, expand your mind and let it take you to places you may never knew existed. Enjoy.